The Journey Begins: Recognizing Early Pregnancy Signs
Sometimes, it’s challenging to decipher the messages your body sends you. When you suspect the first signs of pregnancy, confirming it becomes an urgent, emotional quest. In this heartfelt guide, we’ll explore some of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Remember, each woman is unique, and so is every pregnancy journey. You might experience just a few of these signs or many.
So here are some signs that could tell you you're pregnant :
1-Late period:
One of the very first signs of pregnancy is a late period. Be careful though, some women have irregular menstrual cycles: a late period is therefore not a guarantee that you are pregnant, you still have to watch the other signs of pregnancy.
2-Implantation bleeding:
is light bleeding or spotting that occurs approximately 10 to 14 days after conception, that is, as a result of the rupture of small blood vessels as the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.
After the sperm fertilizes the egg, the resulting embryo moves through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. During menstruation, the endometrium becomes thick and vascular. The embryo that will develop is expected to grow by attaching to this point. Implantation bleeding, also known as implantation bleeding, can rupture the blood vessels in the lining of the uterus. This is indicated as blood seen during implantation. Not everyone experiences implantation bleeding. Since it is a symptom of pregnancy, it is considered normal and does not cause concern.
Implantation bleeding can be confused with bleeding that occurs during the menstrual cycle. That's why it's important to know the distinguishing symptoms of implantation bleeding:
Brown or pinkish spotting
Its flow is light and not intense, and it stops within 2 days.
with Mild cramping.
3-The cramps:
Some expectant mothers experience mild cramps in the uterus during the first trimester. To soothe your lower abdomen, place a bottle of hot water wrapped in a towel on your stomach or take a hot bath.
4-Hot flush:
This means it is weakly damaged. The pattern of hot flashes during pregnancy is due to pregnancy-related hormonal changes. In general, body temperature increases by approximately 1 degree compared to the normal period. Hot flashes should be confused with increased fever due to fusions. While decreases in temperature are completely normal and do not occur during treatment, increased fever is a temperature level and requires treatment.
5- Mood swings:
Hormonal changes can cause mood swings during the early stages of pregnancy: you may start crying without really knowing why, and that's tottaly okey.
6- Bloating and Constipation:
At the start of pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations that occur are responsible for bloating which can lead to a feeling of bloating.
7- Nausea and Vomiting:
Morning sickness is very common. Most of the embarrassed women have even mild nausea and some of the other parties have vomiting.
This nausea appears most frequently during the first month of pregnancy and continues during weeks 14 to 16 (third or fourth month). Some women experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
Morning sickness does not affect the baby in any way, unless you lose weight, as happens with severe vomiting. Weight loss during the first trimester is not common when the woman has moderate symptoms and is not harmful to the baby.
The amount of nausea during a pregnancy does not predict how you will feel in future pregnancies.
8- Frequent urge to urinate:
Many women notice frequent urination during pregnancy, starting from the early stages of pregnancy and even before pregnancy is confirmed. Pregnant women also wake up several times during the night to urinate. Frequent urination in pregnant women does not cause concern, as its intensity gradually decreases with the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy as the uterus rises above the level of the pelvis, while its intensity increases as the months of pregnancy progress for some.
It is recommended that you consult a doctor if you feel pain accompanying urination or blood coming out of your urine, which is an indication of a urinary tract infection.
9- Pregnancy cravings:
Cravings for specific foods are incredibly common during pregnancy, especially for energy-boosting and calcium-rich options like milk and other dairy products. You might also find that foods you once enjoyed suddenly seem unappealing.
Some women experience cravings for non-food items, such as soil or paper. This condition, known as 'pica,' could suggest a nutrient deficiency. If you develop such cravings, it's important to speak with your GP or midwife.
Cravings for specific foods are incredibly common during pregnancy, especially for energy-boosting and calcium-rich options like milk and other dairy products. You might also find that foods you once enjoyed suddenly seem unappealing.
Some women experience cravings for non-food items, such as soil or paper. This condition, known as 'pica,' could suggest a nutrient deficiency. If you develop such cravings, it's important to speak with your GP or midwife.
10- Breasts changes:
Your breasts may swell or even increase by a cup size. They may also be painful or extremely tender. The veins in your breasts may become more visible and your areolas (nipples) may become darker.
11- Fatigue of pregnancy:
During the early weeks of pregnancy, you might experience an unusual level of fatigue. This is often due to the rising levels of progesterone in your body, a hormone that strengthens the uterine lining to support the pregnancy.
12- Disgust and sensitivity to smells.
13- Hyperpigmentation (Melasma) :
this is common during pregnancy and often is due to endocrinological changes.for example that the skin on your nipples darkens, dark spots appear on your face, or a dark line appears between your navel and pubis.
this is common during pregnancy and often is due to endocrinological changes.
for example that the skin on your nipples darkens, dark spots appear on your face, or a dark line appears between your navel and pubis.