Pregnancy and the postpartum period are some of the most stressful and exhaustive times a woman can go through in her life. Becoming a mother for the first time is a joyful and exciting time, but it also brings with it many new challenges and changes - from preparing the home to the rapid physical changes, this is why you need to take care of yourself dear, your mental and physical health and your mood and feelings are the most important things to watch during this challenging period.
Before Pregnancy:
Pregnancy and childbirth put extra stress on your body, so it's important to start your pregnancy as healthy as possible. This is the best way to avoid complications during pregnancy.
Talk to your primary care doctor about a possible pregnancy and discuss your current health and medications. Confirm with your doctor that it's safe to take medications before and during pregnancy. If a change needs to be made, it should be done before conception, as many common medications can pose risks to pregnancy.
Get as close to your ideal weight as possible.
Start taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid to help prevent birth defects, especially of the brain and spine.
Develop good habits to keep during pregnancy. Pregnancy is not the time to let go of all inhibitions and "eat whatever you want." You are programming your baby's metabolism and health for life.
This is a good time to develop good self-care habits, such as eating a healthy diet and exercising.
Continue to take prenatal vitamins and folic acid diligently.
If you haven't already, make sure you're up to date with vaccinations, such as a flu shot (depending on the season).
After birth:
Don't forget to make time for your mental health! Newborns typically sleep no more than two and a half hours in the first six weeks, so if you're breastfeeding your baby, it's especially important that your sleep schedule aligns with your baby's.
Have a supportive and caring network around you and don't be afraid to ask for help.
Rest when you can and take time out for yourself each day. You'll need those moments of recovery.
Don't set your expectations too high for yourself. This is the time to bond with your baby and manage the transition to motherhood.
Don't put pressure on yourself to do everything perfectly and lose the baby weight. Focus on eating healthy and bonding with your baby.
Usually, the stressful times are just that: moments. If you feel like you're constantly overwhelmed and can't find relief, or your interest in your newborn is waning, these could be signs of more serious depression and you should see your doctor.
Create rituals:
Life with a newborn is difficult to plan: Babies rarely sleep regularly, and even if they develop a reliable rhythm early on, this can be disrupted from time to time: be it due to fever (e.g. after vaccinations), painful teething, an infection or simply a few gases that prevent the little one from resting.
What is lacking in the first weeks and months after the birth of a baby is not only the amount of sleep and housework, but also conscious time together. Plan generously and allow yourself plenty of time for activities as a couple or as a trio. Always try to have a reserve! Because unforeseen things can easily happen, especially with newborns.
Make fixed weekly and daily plans and get a joint annual calendar for all appointments. It is by no means a matter of imposing a military-like drill on yourself and the infant and forcing them into fixed routines! On the contrary: If you gently get your child used to a fixed daily routine as early as possible, your child will thank you after a short time with an increased level of satisfaction and balance. Experience also shows that you don't have to keep worrying about everything you have decided on, and that saves a lot of valuable energy that you can use for other things.
Consciously set priorities
You are in control!
As much as the birth of a child seems to bring with it a lot of "musts", it is also up to you how you shape your new life as a threesome. Ask yourself and your partner again and again what you really want, what values are important to you.
Think about what kind of father or mother you want to be. What do you want as a couple? What as an individual? Take time to do it and write it down, and this applies to fathers and mothers alike. Consciously set priorities. There is no doubt that you will initially only be able to take a small part of your old habits with you into your new life as a family. But your satisfaction depends largely on the attitude you take towards this change: "Be aware of what you have gained in terms of new things and adventures, instead of mourning what you may have lost,"
Perhaps you are trying to rediscover the child in yourself? View your new situation as a playful challenge.